Managing patients with a chronic condition such as inflammatory\nbowel disease (IBD), requires a multidiscipline approach. The pharmacist might be the first point\nof contact for patients with initial symptoms or relapsing flares, yet there is no available literature\non the role of pharmacists in IBD management. We conducted a survey to explore pharmacistsâ??\nconfidence in and potential barriers to managing IBD and assess the impact of IBD education on their\nconfidence in IBD management. Methods: Surveys assessing confidence levels in managing IBD,\nadditional learning opportunities about IBD and barriers to their learning of IBD management were\nprovided to pharmacists for completion before and after attending an IBD-specific education session\nat a national conference. Results: Of the 195 attendees, 125 participants completed the survey (64%).\nMost respondents reported a low to mid-range level of confidence with managing IBD. Specifically,\nthey were only slightly confident in decision making on patient care, addressing patient needs\nand providing additional support for IBD patients; and somewhat confident with understanding,\nmanagement and providing relevant information on IBD. Whist the education session improved\npharmacists perceived level of confidence, most respondents indicated a need to learn more about IBD.\nAreas of additional learning included science, drug therapy, treatments (includes non-pharmacological\noptions as well) and guidelines. A majority of pharmacists identified time constraints as a key barrier\nto learning. Conclusion: Pharmacists lack sufficient confidence about managing inflammatory bowel\ndisease. These data indicate support within the pharmacy profession to play a more active role in the\nmanagement of IBD.